Food Carts in Indonesia


Today I will share a little bit of Indonesian Culture because we were in the office all week. Everywhere you go in Indonesia you will find food carts. These mobile restaurants sell all kinds of local dishes. This fellow is preparing Ketoprak, which is a delicious local vegetarian dish consisting of lontong, vermicelli, tofu and veggies topped with peanut sauce. 

The owners place their carts along the road in strategic places where there is a lot of foot traffic or room for motorcycles to pull off the road and grab a bite. I have seen them in every city I have visited in Indonesia. 


  1. I love how the people do whatever they can to support themselves. Is it safe for you to eat the food from these street carts?

    1. We are pretty careful about what we eat here so we don't eat any street food but fortunately you can get these traditional foods at restaurants as well and its still quite inexpensive.


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