Zone Conference Joy and Finding Records in Bandung


We had a wonderful time attending zone conference in Bandung this week. It is a time when we all learn more about the work we are doing in Indonesia as missionaries, receive inspiring messages from the Mission Leaders, and spend some time getting to know each other better. This picture was taken between sessions at the Church in Bandung. 
We stayed overnight in Bandung with the Furgos and returned to Jakarta on the train the next day. Sister Furgo wanted to visit this Church in Bandung, St. Petrus. She is an american, born in Holland, and she is of mixed Indonesian and Dutch descent. Her Mother and Father were married in this Church in 1941.
We went inside and asked if they had records from that time period. Sister Furgo had a picture of the wedding invitation on her phone so we had the exact date, place and names. The man in charge of records happened to be there and within a few minutes he was able to produce the original document where the marriage was recorded with the names of all the immediate family members who attended. Sister Furgo was allowed to photograph the record. It was a touching experience for her to see the handwriting of her mother and others on the record. We all felt like this was a tender mercy.
The next day we had some time to go and see some local sites before getting on the train in the afternoon to return to Jakarta. The first place we visited was the crater from a huge volcano that has erupted several times over the past 200 years. It is called "tangkuban parahu" which means upside down boat because I guess it looks like an upside down boat to some people but I don't see that, oh well.
Selfie with the crater in the background. Sorry you can't see it very well. Clouds and gasses from the volcano obscured the views on this day.
They have these horses around the area to take tourists for rides. They are way to small to carry my weight so I just asked the owner if I could get on for a few seconds to take picture then I dismounted and apologized to the poor pony.
Less than a mile from the entrance to the volcano attraction there is beautiful old tea plantation. We stopped and took a few pictures among the tea leaves.
I will leave you with a picture of this beautiful plant. I have seen it in Singapore too. I don't know what it is called. Take care, we love you all!


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