Brochures and Language Classes


We usually have several irons in the fire. One of the things that we are working on at this time is modifying one of Church brochures to be published in Indonesia. The brochure is titled: Introduction to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is a high quality publication with lots of pictures and a few brief explanations about the history of The Church and some of the key teachings. We give it to government officials and other high profile persons when we have occasion to meet with them so that they will know a little about The Church. We obtained the template for the Hong Kong bochure and we are substituting the text with the Indonesian text which has been translated by our Publications group here in Jakarta. We are also substituting many of the pictures with local pictures from Indonesia. In the square collage above, all four of the corner pictures have been replaced with pictures from Indonesia. It is going to take many hours to complete because it is 24 pages long and we need to format and replace many of the pictures. After we finish the draft version, it will be reviewed by the National Communication Council here and then by the Area Authority Seventy before we publish and distribute any brochures.

The slide on the left above is from our Indonesian lessons and the one on the right is from our English lessons. We teach one Indonesian zoom class each week for new foriegn missionaries and seniors who want a little extra help with Indonesian. This is just an 8-week primer to review many of the things they learned in the MTC and to answer the many questions that they have once they get here and start to use the language. I have made these classes from my own knowledge of the language and I draw on vocabulary and word usage from the Indonesian Preach My Gospel book. We also teach one zoom English class each week for local Indonesian and Philippine missionaries who want to improve their English skills. For this material we borrow from the English Connect 2 curriculum that The Church has prepared. For Cheri and I, these classes are a lot of fun because it is time spent with our beautiful missonaries. It always brings us joy to be with them. It does take a lot of time to prepare and give two lessons each week, however, there is a new English program that the Asia area will soon roll out for the missionaries and when that is ready it will take the place of our English class.

I hope this blog post gives you an idea about some of the other activities we are involved in as missionaries. Most of the senior missionaries have time for some service outside their official callings. We miss you all and we want you to know that we love you and pray for you always.

Lots of love, Chuck and Cheri


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