FSY, For the Strength of Youth Indonesia

This week we were privileged to attend a portion of the FSY event in Bogor for all of the youth from around the country. They spent 5 days together at a resort participating in classes and activities geared towards building testimonies, preparing for missions and, of course, making lots of new friends. We only got to spend one day there and we saw the talent shows of each ward and the evening musical program. They were absolutely amazing. Around 270 youth were in attendance from as far away as Manado and Medan.

We got there a bit late and missed the remarks of President and Sister Homer of the area presidency but we got to hear some enthusiastic and encouraging words from the man on the left who is a Director General from the Ministry of Religion for Indonesia, Mr. Pontus. He had very good things to say about this event and the many other activities of the Church in Indonesia. 

On our p-day this week we wanted to get to know the area better and learn to ride the busses so we made our way out to the national monument and the national museum. We are hotter than we look. It was about a mile walk to the monument from the bus station.

Cheri at the bus stop and at the outdoor food court near the MONAS (Monumen Nasional). The fresh young coconut was really good.

A few artifacts from the museum. Most ancient to least. A Ganesh carved from lava rock, a canoe carved from a tree trunk, and a three-wheeled car from the Dutch colonial times.


  1. Chuck and Cheri,
    We have been enjoying your blog posts as we get closer to entering the MTC on August 22l and leaving for Lima, Peru on September 3, assuming we get our visas by then. Looks like you are keeping busy and enjoying your many activities. Is the climate hot all year round?

    1. Yes, we are getting very busy and trying to learn our jobs at the same time. Enjoying every minute. Yes it is hot year round here the only difference between the seasons is rainy or not. During the rainy season (monsoon) we will get downpours every afternoon. Now it is just a few times per week. Some of the place we travel to will be much cooler because of higher elevations.

  2. We love your updates. What an experience!!! We are sure it is ALL wonderful. :)


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