Short but Sweet Visit to Hong Kong

On our last night in Hong Kong we made it up to Victoria's peak to look out over the city of Hong Kong. It was a beautiful evening with clear air. The clouds are illuminated by the glow of the city.

We went for a harbor cruise on the Aqua Luna. It is a wooden ship that is made after the fashion of the old Chinese sailing vessels. We did this with our Area Director, Annie Wong, who lives here.

At Church we met our old friends from when we lived in Hong Kong. Matt Hossford and Staci Ford and Allen and Jill Anderson. It was great to meet a few people who still live here that we knew from our time here in 1998 - 2001

One afternoon we paid a visit to our old Church building which is called Kam Tong Hall. When the church moved to the new building in Wan Chai they sold this buiding and it has been perserved and restored as a historic site. We walked through it and learned more about the history of the building. Before it was used as a church, it was the home of a wealthy and influential chinese doctor. They glassed off the baptistry to preserve something of when it was a church so you can look in and see the old font. The rest of the building has exhibits about the family who built and lived in this mansion.

This is Dominic Ho. He works at the Church Offices in Hong Kong and we know his parents from Kuala Lumpur. He took us out to an Indonesian restaurant in Hong Kong and afterwards we went to his favorite tofu pudding place and had some of very special tofu pudding.

These beautiful sister missionaries are serving here from the Philipines. We have something called the Every Day Branch here. They meet Monday through Sunday to hold church meetings. Many of the philipine people who work here don't get Sunday off so back when I was in the Hong Kong International District Presidency we were authorized to start holding church on days other than Sunday. This week Sister Lambson and I spoke in Sacrament meeting Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Fri. Missionaries come from the Philipines because there are so many of their fellow citizens working here.

They often bring food and enjoy a meal together after church. For this meal there was no need to wash dishes. They covered the tables in plastic and gave us all plastic gloves and then we lined up on both sides of the table and ate with our hands. Super fun!

We met these two Indonesian sisters who attend one of the English branches with the philipina sisters. Susi is on the left and Ria on the right. Wonderful faithful sisters who both learned English while they were learning about the Church in Hong Kong.

As we were walking through a park we noticed this sight. So many turtles out sunning themselves on rocks.



  1. I love this!!! We are going to eat family style off the table today!! Ha ha.

  2. Beautiful photos and experiences! Nice to visit places and people you have known previously.

    1. It was an unexpected treat for us. We had suggested a couple of locations closer but when our director said Hong Kong we were both delighted to go.


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