Mission Conferences in Jakarta and Bali


Here, in one picture, are all of the missionaries serving in the Indonesia Jakarta Mission. It is not possible for us to express the feelings we have when we look at this picture. All of these beautiful people are very very dear to us. They are full of light and love for the people of Indonesia, for the gospel, and for Christ. They each have a very tough job and try each day to be the best missionaries they can be. Everyone in the mission traveled to Jakarta last week to attend this conference and now they have all gone back to their respective areas, a few of them have transferred to new cities with new companions. It was an unforgettable experience to be together just for a couple of days. The entire conference was conducted in Indonesian. Sister Tandiman gave her instruction in English and one of the assistants translated for her as she spoke. Every talk, prayer, game, and workshop was in Indonesian. All of the senior couples have one member of the companionship who speaks Indonesian so we each translated for our spouses and one of the young sister missionaries sat by Sister Tandiman and Sister Stone to translate for them. 

This is a very special group. It is all ten of our young sister missionaries serving in Indonesia at this time. They are just amazing!
Here is another group of amazing sisters. This is all of the senior sister missionaries serving in Indonesia plus Sister Hastrider who is a humanitarian missionary visiting us from Singapore. From left to right they are, Sister Draper (family history), Sister Stone (mission secretary), Sister Bitter (humanitarian in Timor Leste), Sister Bobo (medical, housing, and immigration), Sister Lambson (communications), Sister Stephens (humanitarian) and right-front is Sister Hastrider who I mentioned earlier. This was taken at a special conference for the seniors that was held in Bali two weeks ago. In this picture, we were visiting a Hindu water temple the day before our conference.
It seems we are constantly meeting people with whom I have a connection from my previous mission in Indonesia. The man on the far left is Alma Limbong and next to him is his wife, Claire, who is originally from Australia. I met them at church in Bali. Alma is the son of John Limbong. John was one of the first few members of the Church in Indonesia and he was attending BYU when I was in the LTM (Language Training Mission). John was one of the language teachers for our group back in 1975 in Provo. He still lives in Jakarta and I look forward to meeting him soon. In the meantime, it was a real pleasure to meet Alma and Claire.


  1. You should be working in Communications!!! :) We love the blog and delight in your opportunities.


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