
Showing posts from September, 2022

A Few Pictures of Bali

 It was an interesting week in the office but an interesting week in the office does not make for very good pictures so here are some pics from our Bali conference that I did not post yet. Enjoy. Hanoman, the White Monkey in a Balinese dance about the Ramayana story Balinese woman making hand drawn batik. She is drawing on the cotton cloth with melted beeswax which will block the dye. Other layers and colors will be added later to make a beautiful batik. The Bobos on the left, Lambsons in the middle and Drapers on the right. Some of our group of Seniors. This picture and the ones that follow were taken in a sacred monkey forest on Bali. These are Balinese Macacs.  Notice the statue that the monkey on the right is sitting on. I have no idea why the type turned blue but it won't change back, oh well. I will leave you with a few pics from the countryside of Bali  

Food Carts in Indonesia

  Today I will share a little bit of Indonesian Culture because we were in the office all week. Everywhere you go in Indonesia you will find food carts. These mobile restaurants sell all kinds of local dishes. This fellow is preparing Ketoprak, which is a delicious local vegetarian dish consisting of lontong, vermicelli, tofu and veggies topped with peanut sauce.  The owners place their carts along the road in strategic places where there is a lot of foot traffic or room for motorcycles to pull off the road and grab a bite. I have seen them in every city I have visited in Indonesia. 

Let's Have Fun With Our Friendly Native Speakers

  In two days we went to 8 different schools in the small city of Cileungsi, near Bogor. The original request was for us to visit one English class for one period to allow the students to have a chance to converse with native English speakers. Word spread, and it soon turned into two days of traveling to 8 different schools and meeting with kids ranging from elementary to high school age. It was a hoot, as you will see in the following pictures. On the first day Sister Lambson wasn't feeling well so I was on my own. The first school was an elementary school. The students sat outside on tarps because they don't have a hall large enough to hold them. You will see a lot of hijabs in these pictures because most of the students are Moslem and some of the schools we visited are Moslem schools. All schools wear uniforms here. The little girl up at the front is conversing with me in English. Soooooo cute. She drew a picture for us too which I will show later. The man in the scout unifo

Mission Conferences in Jakarta and Bali

  Here, in one picture, are all of the missionaries serving in the Indonesia Jakarta Mission. It is not possible for us to express the feelings we have when we look at this picture. All of these beautiful people are very very dear to us. They are full of light and love for the people of Indonesia, for the gospel, and for Christ. They each have a very tough job and try each day to be the best missionaries they can be. Everyone in the mission traveled to Jakarta last week to attend this conference and now they have all gone back to their respective areas, a few of them have transferred to new cities with new companions. It was an unforgettable experience to be together just for a couple of days. The entire conference was conducted in Indonesian. Sister Tandiman gave her instruction in English and one of the assistants translated for her as she spoke. Every talk, prayer, game, and workshop was in Indonesian. All of the senior couples have one member of the companionship who speaks Indones