Pulau Pari for our 44th Anniversary


This week was mostly office work that does not make a very interesting blog post but Tuesday was our anniversary so we took the day off and went out to an island off the coast of Jakarta. This picture is at Star Beach, so named because there are many star fish in the water here.

Here I am holding one of the star fish which they call bintang laut, literally sea star.

The picture on the left is looking over the bow of the small boat as we toured the mangrove forest. The picture on the right shows how the inhabitants of the island are planting seedlings on the edge of the forest to expand the forest which is vital to the island's ecology.

Last week when we went to Bogor with the other senior missionaries we visited the botanical garden that I showed last time and we also visited the animal safari outside of Bogor. The above animals are both protected species that inhabit the Indonesian Islands. On the left is the Sumatran Orangutan. The name means jungle man. Orang is man and Hutan is jungle or forest. The one on the right is the Komodo dragon because the island of Komodo and the neighboring island Rinca make up their native habitat.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Nice that you could spend a day out together. Nice to see you wearing shorts. That makes me happy because I love wearing shorts and wasn't sure if I would be allowed to do that on my mission. Ha!~

    1. To be honest, it does feel a bit odd to be on a mission and wear shorts and swim in the ocean.


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