We have finished our week at the MTC in Provo. On Wednesday we will fly to Jakarta via Dallas and Tokyo.

These pictures are of our district. Our instructors were these beautiful young folks in the middle. Sister Paul led us in the mornings and Brother Rich in the afternoons. They are both totally awesome.

Our grandson, Alvar, thought that we were at the Empty Sea instead of the MTC. He told us to, "have fun at the empty ocean". There happen to be a sculpture of the Apostles and a boat on dry land, and this huge mural of the Red Sea parted for the Israelites.

Here is a photo of all of the senior missionaries that entered the MTC with us. I didn't count but they told us 53.


  1. THANK YOU so much fir starting your blog. i will love following you.:and will be praying for you.
    Diane Pergrossi

  2. Lizzy says, "I like how you are meeting a whole bunch of people who are doing missionary work!" TImmy says, "I like it!" I say, "This is so wonderful. You will do amazing things with the people you serve. Thank you for sharing your journey with us." :D😄😄🫠

    1. MIss you. I'm glad Lizzy and Timmy are seeing the blog. If they keep watching there are more exciting things to come.


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