More Cool Things From Sumatra


I took this video as we walked through the rice padi. It is a device for frightening birds away from the rice. I thought it was genius.
I took this photo in an open-air market. This is bulk snack food Indonesia style. They keep them in these big bags and you buy a small amount. Various kinds of seasoned chips and snack foods. We bought some corn from the closest bag. It is just deep fried, salted kernels of corn.
In front of a big 4-sided clock from the Dutch colonial era in the town square of Bukit Tinggi in Sumatra Barat. I checked all 4 clocks. They all showed the correct time.
I will leave you with this picture of school children in Pasaman because I think it is such a beautiful picture. I did not take it. It was taken by Citra, who is the communications specialist for CARE Indonesia.


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