
Showing posts from December, 2023

Final Mission Post

  The picture on the left is our last day in the Jakarta office and in the picture on the right some of the young missionaries stopped by our apartment to say goodbye in the evening before our flight. We left our apartment at 3:00 am on Thursday and arrived at the Salt Lake City International airport 26 hours later at 4:00 pm of the same day. By 7:00 pm we had been released from our full-time missionary service as communication missionaries in the Indonesia Jakarta Mission. People sometimes asked us, "What is the hardest thing you face on your mission?" A mission is hard. We often miss that point when the talk about our missions because we tend to hang on to the sweet memories and not dwell on the challenges. This blog, for example, is written mostly about happy times and uplifting experiences. I will not go into all of the challenges we faced except to say that, for us, the hardest part was being far away from our family for so long; our 5 children, 2 daughters-in-law, 2 son