
Showing posts from May, 2023

One Year in the Field

  This day one year ago we started our mission so we feel the need to make an entry in our blog today. We took this picture a couple of nights ago from the Kowloon side of Hong Kong Harbor. I placed a blue arrow pointing to the building where I had an office overlooking the harbor for three years from 1998 until 2001. We will leave for Jakarta on June 10th but it is nice to have a few days in Hong Kong to work with our Area Director and explore our old stomping ground. We had dinner with Allen and Jill Anderson on Saturday and Sunday we sang with the Victoria branch choir. There are still a few members here that we remember but the branch is mainly composed of new people now, which is to be expected after 22 years. There are now 29 senior missionaries here so that's also a lot of fun. On Saturday morning we were able to attend a temple session in the Hong Kong temple. That is a rare thing for us because most of our service is in Indonesia and Malaysia where there are no temples as

Our Last Week in Malaysia, Humanitarian Recognition, Sapeh - Instrument from Borneo, and Buddhist Vesak Celebration

The picture above is of Elder Johnson of the Asia Area Presidency presenting a Humanitarian Service Appreciation Plaque to a representative of the Sarawak Breast Cancer Support Group. President Tolman, mission president, is standing next to him. The event came off very well. We honored 14 different groups in Sarawak for humanitarian service and afterward held a reception. The messages from the speakers and the choir were uplifting and encouraging and there was a spirit of brotherhood and unity throughout the event. The reception (high tea) in the cultural hall was a time for socializing and getting to know each other. Our area communication director, Annie Wong will produce a video and newsroom article which I will link when it is finished.  Sister Ernie was on our planning committee and designed this banner and the program. So many great members worked together to make this event a success. We had twelve round tables and three rectangular tables set up in the cultural hall for the rec

The Big Day is Almost Here

  For the past 5 months we have been planning for an event that will take place two days from now in Kuching on the island of Borneo. The idea started out as a small event to honor one or two local people for their community service. It grew from that idea into an event that will honor all 14 of our humanitarian partners in Sarawak for their community service. We estimate the event will be attended by 120 people including representatives from the partner organizations, local government officials, members of the media and our church leaders from the Asia Area, Mission Presidency, and District Presidency. The plaque above is an example of the awards that will be presented. I was very pleased to find this manufacturer here in Kuala Lumpur. The golden flower emblem is made of pewter with gold plating on the flower and is attached to the plaque. We just now packed them in our suitcases to bring them with us to Kuching tomorrow. The church humanitarian missionaries, together with the local p